Thank you for visiting my website!
It’s been a long journey to get here! When the Free Web site Guys reached out to me about creating a website I was nervous, but they guided me through the process.
Even though it was delayed (my fault, not theirs!) its resulted in this!
Now you’re here, let me introduce myself 🙂
I’m Nikki (she/her), I’m 26, LGBT, and disabled.
I love ducks, Demi Lovato and tattoos.
I also have lived experience of distress, trauma and mental illness.
If you want to learn more about me and my story, connect with me on LinkedIn, follow my Facebook page or check in here for more to follow!
Here is a list of links to work that I’ve done that I’m proud of:
Instagram Live on online communities and mental health with Mental Health Europe
Manchester Metropolitan University Magazine Article
Article with the South African Federation for Mental Health
Article with the Canadian Mental Health Association
Even though it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, life is getting better. As part of that I want to learn to drive, get my own house and take my career further.
If you or anyone you know is looking to hire someone who is passionate, experienced and confident, look no further! Please get in touch!
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