I don’t know about you but sometimes I need step by step instructions so here goes…
1 – FEELINGS (try to understand the thoughts and emotions, where I feel them in the body, noticing, talking to someone, notice the urges, is this a pattern, balance between rational and emotional mind, between what I need & want)
2 – JOURNAL (write that shit out baby, write until you can’t write anymore)
3 – PROBLEM SOLVE (problem, maintaining factors, aim, solutions, pros and cons, narrow it down)
4 – ACTION PLAN (what solutions did you come up with during problem solving? What one step can you take right now towards recovery and making future you proud?)
5 – STRENGTHS, GOALS & VALUES (I am affirmations, I am good enough book, look at the good things doc, values are; hope, inner peace, humour, comfort, justice, and my goals are ultimately to be sober, healthy, and content have healthy relationships stable housing and employment education and a cute doggy) (what would you say to a friend?)